Lori and the Llama

Lori and the Llama

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ushuaia - It´s the end of the world as I know it

I made it to the end of the world! Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, is where I flew in to this morning. I came to the hostel, changed, and ran out to do a boat tour.

The one that sails past the lighthouse wasnt running because of wind, so instead I took a 6 hour tour to go to a penguin colony where you get to walk right up to the penguins! There were 2 kinds of penguins, one kind were Magellenic (we are on the Magellin strait), the other I cant tell you because the tour guide was speaking in spanish but I do know they had orange beaks because I heard the word naranja. Either they had orange beaks or really like oranges.  The tour was awesome, and the town is cute.

There are a lot of locally made chocolate shops. The Godivas of Patagonia. I of course tried one, it was decent but I heard Havana is the best Argentinian chocolate. I will be sure to try it when I get back to Buenos Aires. I got to the hostel and started to pack for tomorrow´s 6-8 hour hike through Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego. A French guy named Baptiste explained the getting out of here situation to me, basically either I take a 15 hour bus ride a day earlier than I had planned (I do not want to go myself and he promised to let me teach him Scattegories) or I spend more than double the price to fly. So, of course my first reaction was to fly, but if I am going to last 5 months on this continent I need to stop impulsively booking insanely expensive flights. I need to learn to start playing things by ear more. I got very upset when he told me to cut my trip to Ushuaia short by a day. But then he said why did you say 3 days? And I dont even have a reason. There is so much of Patagonia to see that it´s probably silly to sit here with nothing to do but eat chocolate for another day! I´ll see how I feel tomorrow. I am glad that I found a computer to upload pictures. I want to try to do it every few days since I have so many and it takes 2 hours to upload!
The real highlight of my day today was a girl on my penguin tour who knew I was from NY because I was wearing my Lulu pants and headband. Only a NYer or Californian would recognize that!!


  1. Love the Lulu comment! Funny I was in there today and thinking of you!

  2. I posting a comment here because blogspot wrote that you had "1 comments" and even in spanish the S is only added in plural right? Must start Rosetta Stone and find out!

  3. Yes, and when you are talking to another person. Like I am is Tengo, but you are is tienes. This language is so hard, rosetta was a good start but i have ways to go!
