So I know I didn't want to figure things out so quick, but as soon as I got back things kind of fell into place. Danielle, my BFF since college, hooked me up with a job at her company. She's moving back from San Fran, so we get to work together in a month which I'm so excited about. This will actually be the 3rd time we work together, if you count our job in the mall in college which I don't think she does so I won't either.
Then my friend Laurie had a friend looking for a roommate, and she found a great apartment that I don't want to jinx quite yet but it's brand new and amazing and right smack in the middle of commuting to the city and to my family and friends in Brooklyn. It's in Bourem Hill, which I think I am spelling wrong (or so says spell check), which is close to Brooklyn Heights, Smith Street, Bococ, Trader Joe's, and the only Equinox in Bklyn! Cross your fingers for me that I get it. If so I'll be moving out for 10/15. For the 7th time since college - 8 if you count South America, which I guess I can't since I didn't actually LIVE anywhere except a dorm in Banos for a couple weeks.
Training for the 1/2 marathon is going great. I mean, I actually hate running, but I did 8 miles last week and Caryn and I are scheduled to do 9 on Friday in Park Slope. Just keep hoping that I don't get hurt again.
There's 5 weeks left til the marathon, and 4 weeks left til the Century. In between that are 2 weddings, and a trip to San Fran for work for training. Lots going on! I thought I would hate being a real person again but I don't mind it so much after all.
I decided if I get off for Christmas I'm going to try to get away somewhere - maybe somewhere in Central America since it's not nearly out of my system. Maybe Panama since that was the other spot I was looking at last Christmas, even though everyone told me it sucks there. Next year, deciding between New Zealand, Spain, Greece and Indonesia. I guess the spot will depend on who I'm going with. I'll start researching all the places so I'm prepared when the time comes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hope all my travel friends are doing great, and all my local friends, thanks for still reading :) I'll have one more batch of pictures coming if I ever develop this damn disposable camera that's been wasting away on the floor of my brother's room. Maybe this weekend at the TEAL Walk I'll finish it off and get those up here!